Serie A

Wesley Sneijder Happy At Inter

Wesley Sneijder says he has no intention of leaving an Inter side whom he believes can fight for the Scudetto. The Inter star constantly finds his name in the transfer rumour mill, but he’s still plying his trade at San Siro.

“I have a contract until 2015 and if the club still want me after that…” he told the Gazzetta dello Sport. “As a minimum, I want to see out the rest of my deal.

“I’m now accustomed to the rumours about my future. It’s not a comfortable position to be in, but I’m happy here.

“I have never thought of leaving. I like this club, this city, this squad. And I also like the Coach. Andrea Stramaccioni understands the players, as does PresidentMassimo Moratti.

“I’ve never thought that Italian football is in decline and I still don’t think that is the case.”

Inter have revolutionised their squad this season after failing to qualify for the Champions League, but the former Real Madrid ace insists they are competitive.

“I don’t think that Juventus are that much stronger than us or other sides,” he added. “People said that Milan were in pieces, but they have good players.

“We are in the hunt, there is Napoli and Roma. Juventus are champions andfavourites, but we can beat them.”

Sneijder was also asked about the prospect of becoming the new Inter captain.

“If only,” he smiled. “But Javier Zanetti will play on until he’s 60 so there is no point in useless aspirations…”