AC Milan, Inter Milan, Juventus, Serie A

Brescia President: “We Will Not Play Again This Season”

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Brescia President Massimo Cellino warns he will “simply not let my team play, even if it means docked points,” attacking Lazio chief Claudio Lotito for wanting the Serie A season to go on.

The 2020-21 campaign was halted a month ago due to the coronavirus pandemic and the country remains under lockdown, but those measures are expected to ease from May 4.

At that date, players should be able to resume training in small groups, with the idea of playing games from May 31.

“I reiterate that if they the games again, I will simply not let my team play,” Cellino told the Giornale di Brescia newspaper.

“This isn’t just idle provocation. They can dock points if they want, I take all the responsibility for that.”

Brescia and Bergamo have been hit harder than any other Italian city by the COVID-19 crisis, with shocking scenes of military trucks in a convoy driving coffins to other regions because the crematorium cannot keep up with demand.

With this situation still ongoing, and around 550-600 deaths every day in Italy, Cellino cannot see how the season can resume.

“I see too much egoism and too many people trying to make the most of this situation. Lotito wants to get back on the pitch? I listen only to those who deserve to be listened to. I don’t even know if Lotito represents Lazio, seeing as he is just the President of their Board of Directors…

“As for the FIGC and Gabriele Gravina, they should focus more on checking the financial situation of clubs and less on making television appearances.

“Seriously, let them take a walk around Brescia and see what’s happening here. I am not seeking any advantages, nor am I afraid of relegation, because I know the club won’t go bankrupt and we’ll earn our place back in Serie A.”

Totally agree with Massimo Cellino. Cannot see how you can consider restarting the season when there are still hundreds of people dying every day.