Liverpool, Premier League

Suarez Says He Is Staying At Liverpool?

luis-suarez2If this story is correct I am completely stunned. Liverpool striker Luis Suarez has performed a sensational u-turn by saying that he wants to stay at Liverpool.

Suarez is on international duty and told the Uruguayan newspaper El Observador:

“Right now, because of all the love of the fans, I will be staying.”

Uruguayan journalist Martin Chaquero also claimed he had been told Liverpool will keep their star man.

‘Luis Suarez confirms to me he will not leave Liverpool. The support of the fans has influenced his decision,’ Chaquero said.

‘Suarez see it as likely that he’ll sign a renewal (extension) to the contract that binds him to Liverpool.’

Simply stunned that Suarez did a 180 on this. It seemed that Suarez had burnt his bridges at Liverpool with his statement that Brendan Rodgers had lied to him about being able to leave this summer after Liverpool failed to qualify for the Champions League this season.

The Liverpool manager has outlined the steps that Suarez has to take in order to start to rebuild his reputation inside the club:

“Initially there will be an apology to his teammates and the club,” said Rodgers. “Then a recognition that he is ready to fight for the club.

“I know that we are not seeing the Luis Suarez I know. He has spent some days working on his own. When he comes back from Uruguay we will see how it goes further.

“We are all on the same page. He won’t be going to Arsenal, that’s for sure. When Luis is committed to the cause, we will welcome him back with open arms.”

So while it appears that Suarez will be staying at Liverpool I am not too sure at his desire for a new contract. The clubs owners, Fenway Sports Group, were pretty adamant that Suarez would not be able to push through a move to Arsenal and I don’t expect them to be in the mood to reward Suarez with a new deal.

But on the pitch, a fit and happy Suarez makes Liverpool a much better side and a real challenger for that final Champions League place this season.