Man Utd., Premier League

Robin van Persie Wants A New Deal At Man United

MUFC20TImesChampionsI have to say that I am stunned at the comments by Robin van Persie that not only is he happy at Manchester United but that he would like to extend his contract at Old Trafford.

For months I have read and heard all these reports about how RVP and David Moyes did not get along and that van Persie was looking to leave Old Trafford in the summer.

But that is not true according to the Dutch striker who told the United Review:

“The truth is I’m very happy here at this club. I signed for four years and I’d be delighted to stay even longer, beyond the next two years I have left on my contract. This is how I feel, although it’s not what has been suggested in the media.”

There was all sort of reports about how unhappy van Persie was when Moyes substituted him in Saturday’s 3-0 win over West Bromwich Albion. But afterwards Moyes said it was because his top scorer had already been booked and claimed he had never intended to play him for 90 minutes and van Persie seemed to back that claim:

And Van Persie added: “I’m very happy with my team-mates and I’m very happy with my manager and his staff. The sessions we have on the training ground are fantastic and I’m learning a lot from them every day. I’ve been a professional footballer for 12 years now and there’s no doubt I’m learning new things and progressing with David Moyes.

“Like I said, talk about my performances or talk about a tackle that was too late. I don’t mind. But it goes too far when people start suggesting, amongst other things, that I have a bad understanding with the manager. That’s not true at all.

“Over the last few years I’ve started to look more closely at the way coaches work to learn from them – not just here at the club but with the international team as well. I’ve worked with some brilliant coaches and I’ve taken a real interest in all the methods they use and the choices they make.

“I can tell you that Moyes’ sessions and the things he says in his team meetings are spot-on. I really enjoy working under him and I’m absolutely convinced things will pick up and we’ll turn it around.

“There is mutual respect between us and the work environment is actually good. He really wants things to work here at Manchester United and I want the same, just like the other players. We’re all working hard to make this work.”

Totally unexpected comments from the United striker who’s body language at times this season has shown his dissatisfaction with how things are going at United.

Interestingly, some new stats from shows that RVP actually has a higher conversion rate this season (20.8%) than last year (18.4%). Maybe the source of van Persie’s dissatisfaction is that United are not creating as many chances for him as last year, as the 3.1 shots per game compared to the 3.7 shots per game average last year illustrate.