Premier League

Has Nemanja Vidic Signed For Inter Milan?

vidicI am hearing rumblings coming out of Italy that Manchester United captain Nemanja Vidic has signed a two-year contract with Serie A’s Inter Milan.

Vidic, who is out of contract at United at the end of the season, announced last week that he would be leaving Old Trafford at the end of the season.

Vidic’s announcement last week came amidst increased speculation that the defender had already reached an agreement with the the Nerazzurri on initial two-year deal at San Siro, that will pay Vudic a reported €3.5m a year in wages.

There is no doubt that Nemanja Vidic is still a good defender and will improve the Inter defence. While he is not the player he was three or four years ago, as injuries and age have robbed him of a yard of pace, he will bring experience and leadership to an Inter side that is lacking both.

That being said this is a confusing signing from Inter as it flies in the face of everything that Inter president Erik Thohir said he wants. Thohir has said repeatedly that he wants to make Inter younger and also to slash the club’s wage bill. Signing a 32-year-old defender and making him your highest paid player will not accomplish either of those goal.

So has the transfer philosophy of Inter changed? Did Walter Mazzarri say that Inter cannot win anything with a team of kids and that he needed the kind of experience that a 32-year old Vdic, 28-year-old Hernanes, and 25-year old Danilo D’Ambrosio bring to the club?

Or are these purely need based signings in that Vidic will replace Walter Samuel and Hernanes will replace Esteban Cambiasso?

What do you think of Inter signing Nemanja Vidic? Good move or not?