Premier League

FA Suspend Luis Suarez For 10 Games

Suarezbite2The FA have thrown the book at Liverpool striker Luis Suarez, banning him for 10 games for biting Chelsea’s Branislav Ivanovic at the weekend.

An FA statement read:

“A three-person independent regulatory commission today upheld the FA’s claim that a suspension of three matches was clearly insufficient and the player will serve a further seven first-team matches in addition to the standard three. The suspension begins with immediate effect.

“The Liverpool forward had accepted a charge of violent conduct but had denied the FA’s claim that the standard three-match sanction was insufficient for the offence.

“The incident was not seen by the match officials and has therefore been retrospectively reviewed.

“Suarez has until midday on Friday 26 April to appeal [against] the additional suspension, above the standard three matches.”

Liverpool, who have two days to appeal said they were “shocked and disappointed” at the length of the suspension.

“Both the club and player are shocked and disappointed at the severity of today’s independent regulatory commission decision’ said Liverpool managing director Ian Ayre said

“We await the written reasons tomorrow before making any further comment.”

I don’t understand how the FA handles out suspensions. Yes biting another player doesn’t belong in football at any level. But it is two more games than Suarez was given for racially abusing Manchester United left-back Patrice Evra in December 2011. So the FA is saying that biting is worse than racially abusing someone? Or are they viewing Suarez a repeat offender and that is why the ban is so high?

With the ban, Suarez will now miss the last four games this season, and the first six games of next season.