Serie A

Co-ownership Deals Need To Be Settled By The 24th

The Gazzetta Della Sport had an interesting article on the number of co-ownership deals that need to be decided by 24 June.

What is co-ownership? Co-ownership is a system whereby two clubs own the contract of a player jointly – each having a half share, although the player is only registered to play for one club. It is known as “compartecipazione ” and is also common in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay.

FIGC rules dictate these agreements must be in place for a minimum of two years, and have strict guidelines. Every year, towards the end of June clubs must renew these deals. This usually sees a rush of confirmed deals ahead of the deadline, as failure to agree by then sees the player’s rights go to a blind auction between the clubs involved.

What makes this year interesting is the number of promising youngsters, as well as some valuable players, involved.

Here is a look at some of the clubs and players involved.

AC Milan
The Champions have already taken care of the biggest name when they bought outright Boateng for 7 million euros from Genoa.

In addition, Milan have secured Paloschi (a useful second forward) and Amelia’s full contract. It looks like Papastathopoulos will be loaned out again which leaves two players whose future has not been decided. Astori (half owned by Cagliari) and Darmian (moving towards a renewal with Palermo).

Inter Milan
Inter are currently talking with Genoa about Kharja (moving towards the buy-out, set at 4 million) and Natalino. They are also talking with Cesena about Nagatomo (a formality because Inter want him). There are also some important co-ownership deals to work out: Andreolli, half owned by Chievo, had a solid year and could return to Inter should they need a good backup for central defence, and the agreement for Obi will be renewed with Parma. Inter does not intend to let go of Viviano, although his market value is quite high; their relationship with Bologna is good (there’s a meeting scheduled this week).

Juve will need to work out some buy-out options for around fifty million euros, and in the meantime there are some co-ownership cases to resolve; Borussia Dortmund is interested in Ekdal, but if he is not used as a bargaining chip then he is likely to remain at Bologna, and the same goes for Palladino.

Keep you eye out for Denis and Mannini: the former might be left completely to Udinese if the Inler purchase is successful, and the latter could even accept Serie B with Sampdoria.

Marco Parolo
The hottest jointly-owned player, however, is Marco Parolo. His contract is divided between Cesena and Chievo, but almost every club wants him, the latest of which is Napoli.

Paulo Barreto
Barreto was the topic of discussion Monday in a meeting between the sporting directors of Bari and Udinese, but don’t be surprised if Fiorentina gets involved. a third party gets involved. if Fiorentina does get involved, expect goalkeeper Seculin to head to Bari on loan (with a purchase option) as part of the deal.