Premier League

AVB Wants To Sign Bale To A New Deal

Bale-AwardsAndre Villas-Boas has called on Gareth Bale to end speculation about his future by signing a new contract with Tottenham Hotspur.

Bale last night collected his Football Writers’ Association Footballer of the Year award after a remarkable season which has seen him score 30 times for club and country. The award came less than two weeks after the Professional Footballers Association rewarded him for his efforts by naming him Player of the Year and Young Player of the Year.

Bale is under contract until 2016, but has been heavily linked with a big money move to Real Madrid and that speculation will only grow if Bale does not sign a new deal with the club.

“It would be good for him (to sign a new contract),” the Tottenham manager said. “I think he deserves it for the season he’s had. Obviously we could put to bed every single speculation that’s coming out. It would be excellent and I think a reward for what he has achieved this season.”

This is a huge summer for AVB, Spurs and Bale. They should have been playing in the Champions League this season, but were sent to the Europa League instead after Chelsea’s Miracle In Munich.

bale really grew as a player under AVB this season, but is that enough to keep him at White Hart Lane if Spurs miss out on Champions League football again?

Plus even if he does sign a new deal, that will not stop Real Madrid or Manchester United coming in for Bale in a year. All it means is that the transfer fee will be a little higher.

Do you think Gareth Bale will be at Spurs next season or will he be wearing a Real Madrid or Man United shirt?