
Wenger: We Made Mistakes We Should Not Make

Arsene Wenger says Arsenal made mistakes they should not have made as they went down 2-1 against relegation-threatened Bournemouth.

Despite Hector Bellerin putting the Gunners ahead in the second half, the Gunners squandered their advantage as Callum Wilson and Jordan Ibe netted twice in four minutes to turn things around for the home side.

Speaking to the BBC after the game, Wenger said he was frustrated by the collapse.

“We were 1-0 up and suddenly we lost two goals and we don’t know where they came from. It is very frustrating. Overall we have to look at it in a very objective and harsh way – we made mistakes we should not have made.

“The team that fights against relegation will fight and you cannot afford any concentration mistake.”

On whether his decision to take off Calum Chambers and put on Aaron Ramsey made things worse for his side – the home side netted just seconds after the switch of Arsenal’s formation – Wenger added:

“One-all was not good enough for us. We had to win the game. I think if you look again at the second goal we made many mistakes and that is what we paid for.”

It’s been a miserable start to 2108 for Arsenal as they have been knocked out the FA Cup and will see their one superstar, Alexis Sanchez move to either Manchester City or Manchester United in the next 48 hours.

The #WengerOt brigade seemingly grows in numbers with each Arsenal performance. One Arsenal fan, who seemed to channel the frustration of all Gooners after the defeat when he told TalkSport:

“The guy has lost any semblance of a legacy,” he said, adding that it will take six or seven years for the Gunners to be able to compete with football’s elite again.

“He has built a bang average squad; Iwobi, Welbeck, Walcott. Any other manager of the top teams would have been sacked by now.

“What is happening at Arsenal is a complete and utter disgrace.”

With Carlo Ancelotti waiting in the background, it is time for Arsenal to move on from Arsene Wenger, or should he be given to the end of the season to see if he can turn things around?