
Wenger Stunned By Mood Of Arsenal Fans

Wenger-SignArsene Wenger was reportedly left shell shocked by the level abuse from Arsenal fans after the Gunners drew 1-1 at home to Crystal Palace at the weekend. A defeat that essentially ended any hope that The Arsenal had of winning the title this season.

According to the Mirror reporter John Cross, angry supporters near the dug-out turned viciously against Wenger and could be heard screaming abuse at the Arsenal manager.

According to witnesses, it was some of the worst, loudest and most abusive that Wenger has ever suffered during his 19 years at Arsenal.

They told him to “f*** off” and urged him to go now as the mood among fans has turned nasty at the Emirates.

One witness said: “He cannot have not been aware of it. It was very close, personal and nasty. It’s some of the worst that people have ever seen.”

Wenger has already said that he is determined to stay and see out the final year of his £8m-a-year contract, but even the most loyal of fans are now beginning to lose patience with Wenger despite his incredible success and record at the club.

Two FA Cups in a decade is simply not good enough for a side with one of the biggest wage bills in the Premier League, and some of the highest ticket prices in Europe.

The problem for Arsenal is who replaces Wenger? As we can see at Manchester United, replacing a legend is not easy.

The top managers in the world, Guardiola, Mourinho, Ancelotti and Conte are all heading to new jobs next season, Klopp is at Liverpool while Simeone is staying put at Atletico.

The only world class manager not on that list are Barcelona’s Luis Enrique and Juventus boss Massimiliano Allegri. Problem there is that Allegri’s style of play is to different from Wenger’s and why would Enrique want to leave Barcelona for London?

So Arsenal fans. Do you want Arsene Wenger to stay or go at the end of the season? And if he goes, who replaces him?