Man Utd.

Ryan Giggs Set To Leave Manchester United

ryan-giggs-awardsAccording to several media outlets in England, Ryan Giggs has turned down a reduced role on Jose Mourinho’s coaching staff and is set to end his 29-year association with Manchester United.

Mourinho is bringing trusted lieutenants Rui Faria and Silvino Louro with him to Old Trafford, leaving no place for Giggs, who has been David Moyed and Louis van Gaal’s No. 2.

Van Gaal had indicated that, during his reign, Giggs was being groomed as a potential next manager of United. But the club’s decision to turn to Mourinho has caused Giggs to consider his future and cut ties with Old Trafford.

The Daily Telegraph and The Times reported that United have offered the 42-year-old a role linking the first team and under-21s but he will now look to forge a career as a manager somewhere else. A

The problem for Giggs, is that except for the Everton job, all the good managerial positions are now filled. The best opportunity might have been Celtic, but the timing of that did not work out for the United legend. Aston Villa could potentially have been a good opportunity but that opening has been filled by Champions League winner Roberto Di Matteo.

Giggs is the most decorated playing in United history winning the Champions League twice as well as 13 Premier League titles.

What club do you think Ryan Giggs will end up managing?