Serie A

Palermo Hire Gian Piero Gasperini

Gian Piero Gasperini has replaced Giuseppe Sannino as manager after the Palermo axe-happy President Maurizio Zamparini, fired Sannino after picking up just one point from their opening three games.

“Preziosi was a President who changed a lot too, but I convinced him,” Gasperini, who was axed by Inter last season, stated at his official unveiling.

“I want to start a cycle here. I’m fired up and I can’t wait to get back to work. I have the backing of the sporting director and the President.”

Gasperini spent four years with the Marassi outfit before he was eventually shown the door at Genoa in November 2010.

“I think there are the grounds here to dispel the negative assumptions about the place,” Gasperini, who played for the club as a player, added.

“Palermo in an important footballing place and it is my aim to bring back the enthusiasm to this club. I’ll get the team to play with a precise style and it is my target to open a cycle here in Rosanero.”

Gasperini had never been appointed mid-term before and his 3-4-3 philosophy is different to Sannino’s 4-4-2.

“This is a stimulating factor too. I’ll be faced with a valid squad whose characteristics I must evaluate. I’ll have to do the best I can with what I have, but it will be important that I don’t create any confusion.

“The start to the season has seen doubts raised over the team, but we’ll play three games in eight days and we’ll do something good in that time.”

And just in case Zamparini gets an itchy trigger finger again, Gasperini has reportedly been granted a special clause in his Palermo contract; compensation should he be sacked!