Man Utd.

Mourinho Puts United On Hold Until Summer

lvgandMouJose Mourinho has thrown cold water on the prospect of taking over from Manchester United boss Louis van Gaal this season by saying that he he will not take a new job until the start of next season.

Speaking on Wednesday in Singapore, the former Chelsea boss played down any talk of a return to football this season saying:

‘I always feel that it’s better to wait, not to rush, better to be calm, to wait for the right moment, the right move,’ Mourinho said. ‘I feel that starting the next season with a new club and project is probably the best thing for me.

‘It’s quite a funny career. I am the English champion, and I still have no job.

‘I read so many different things. One day it says I go to China, another day it says I go to Italy, and people say I’m back to Inter Milan. I’m here – probably, you are saying I will go to the Singapore national team.

‘But the reality is I have no job, and at the moment I’m happy not to have a job.’

That is bad news for United fans as it looks more and more likely that they will be stuck with van Gaal through the end of the season.

United’s best opportunity to qualify for the Champions League next season is through the Europa League, but for that to happen the three time European champions have to beat Midtjylland on Thursday night at Old Trafford.

United go into the match trailing the Danish minnows 2-1 after once of the worst performances in recent memory in the first leg.

If United don’t advance, van Gaal will not survive, regardless of whether the Special One takes over or not now or in July.