Serie A

Maicon On Transfer Rumors: “I Never Thought Of Leaving Inter”

Inter’s right-back has sat down and spoke to the Inter Channel and dismissed transfer rumors that he wants to leave Inter:

“People who say I asked to leave are lying. I’m happy at Inter” said Maicon. “I’ve never thought about leaving Inter. People said that I would leave Inter but those words came from an agent who is not my agent. The only person who can speak on my behalf and represent me is Roberto Calenda – he is my agent.”

Maicon went on to say that:

“None of the transfer talk about me was true. I’m working hard so that I can get back to doing my bit for the team, that’s all. I’ve never thought about leaving. It’s not true that I wanted to leave. After we won the Treble I went to the World Cup, then on holiday, and then came back to work here, at Inter, a club where I’m very happy. Yet every so often things come up that shouldn’t, things that are untrue. I’m happy here.”

Good to hear Maicon set the record straight a month after the transfer window has been shut! While Maicon can profess that he is happy at Inter, keep in mind that the final decision on whether he stays or goes is not his. It is Motarri’s. And with Inter in desperate need of an influx of new, young talent, Maicon (along with Sneijder, Milito and Cesar) are the only Inter players that can generate any sort of sizeable transfer fees. So if Inter is to rebuild then Maicon might well have to be sold, whether he wants to be or not.