Liverpool, Premier League

Luis Suarez Buyout Clause Is “Only” £70m

luis-suarez2According to The Mirror, the release clause in striker Luis Suarez’s new contract is £70m, not the £100m that was first reported. And there is no separate fee for Premier League sides either.

The buyout clause was part of Suarez’s new £200,000-a-week deal that he signed just before Christmas.

According to the Mirror, the new contract contains a watertight clause that will enable the Uruguayan to leave at the end of the season if Liverpool fail to qualify for the Champions League

Arsenal believed they had triggered an escape clause in the 26-year-old’s previous contract when they offered £40,000,001 for him in the summer but Liverpool said their understanding with Suarez was only a verbal understanding and was not included in his contract. It appears that has not been changed.

I am sure a lot of the Premier League’s big names will take a look at the clause and think that £70m for the probably Premier League Player of the Year is not bad. With Higuain begin valued at £50 and Falcao at £60m, neither of who have proven that they can score in the Premier League, £70m for Suarez by comparison does not sound that bad.

What do you think of Suarez’s buyout clause?