Inter Milan, Serie A

Inter Fans Lash Out At New Owner Over Guarin Deal

Inter-Fans2Inter’s supporters group, the Curva Nord have released a statement condemning the news that Fredy Guarin could move to Juventus.

Reports on Monday have claimed that the Colombia international could be on his way to the Bianconeri, with Mirko Vucinic coming the other way.

However, the club’s hardcore fanbase have insisted that that is unacceptable.

“The move is taking place at this time of one of the most important players of Inter to another Italian side,” the statement read. “That is the straw that broke the camel’s back.

“We pose questions to President Moratti, to turn the spotlight on a company that is being run without any common sense.

“We are fed up of too many rotten apples at Inter.

“We just threw away a year (if not more) thanks to a forward-looking strategy. This could be a second.

“Inter plays in Serie A and deserves a company fit for Serie A.

“To Mr. Thohir – we recommend you forget baseball, NFL, NBA or other things that are light-years away from our reality.

“We want concrete acts – less of the ‘business’. We are in Italy, not Indonesia or the United States.

“But you are warmly invited to stay in this house.

“It’s just Guarin to Juve is not acceptable at this current moment.”

I have been waiting for the Curva Nord or someone to wake up and take a stance on the Thohir ownership at Inter. The freezing of contract negotiations with current players, the €2m salary cap, no funds to buy new players and then his latest comments about a 2-3 year rebuilding process are suitable for a small club, but not for one of Italy’g Big Three.

Even Fabio Capello blasted Inter President Erick Thohir over the weekend saying:

“He is doing nothing for the club or the fans.”

It is quite apparent that the new Inter owner does not have the deep pockets needed to rebuild Inter Milan, or that he is not prepared to invest the money in the club.

The honeymoon between Thohit and Inter fans lasted just over two months. The big question is what does Thohir do now as it is difficult to run a club when the teams most passionate fans are against you.