Arsenal, Barcelona, La Liga, News, Premier League, Real Madrid

Has Real Madrid Made A £45m Offer For Cesc Fabregas?

According to the Spanish newspaper Sport, Real Madrid have made an official offer of 50m Euros (£45m) for Cesc Fabregas,

It’s an interesting move by Mourinho who is said to be interested in having Fabregas in his midfield alongside Xabi Alonso, Sami Khedira and Mesut Ozil.

The offer puts a lot of pressure on Barcelona who have been trying to low ball Arsenal all summer for Fabregas. While selling Cesc on the idea of moving to his boyhood clubs biggest rival might be difficult, Arsene Wenger I am sure will point out to Fabregas that he cannot accept a far lower bid from Barcelona.

That puts a ton of pressure on Barcelona to raise their offer to match Real Madrid’s or risk losing a player they have tapped up for two plus season to their biggest rivals.

The one winner in an Iberian bidding war is Arsenal.