
Goodbye Peter Kenyon

With my apologizes to Elton John

Goodbye Peter Kenyon
Though I never knew you at all
You arrogance and lack of class
Makes Ken Bates look classy

Of all the owners, agents, players and commentators in football, Peter Kenyon stands alone on top of my most hated list.

I thought that leaving Man United after previously commentating how much he loved United and going to Chelsea was bad. His smugness and arrogance has always rubbed me the wrong way, but the final straw to me was his performance in Moscow after the Champions League final.

Manchester United were led up to collect the trophy by Mr. Man United Bobby Charlton. Charlton was obviously uncomfortable with taking the spotlight from the players, and he refused to have the winners medal placed around his neck.

Peter Kenyon had no problems leading Chelsea up the stairs to get their medals and gladly accepted the medal around his neck. That was the last straw for me, and I am not even a Chelsea fan. Where was a Chelsea star from the past to lead the team? Was Kenyon’s ego so large that he had to take the spotlight away from the players.

While at Chelsea, Kenton made repeated comments that Chelsea would be breaking even within five years. That is obviously a rolling five years as Chelsea are now closer to breaking even today than they were five years ago when Kenyon took over.

But before Chelsea fans celebrate too much, Kenyon’s departure is viewed as a victory for Frank Arnesen, Chelsea’s sporting director. This is same Arnesen who helped force out the best manager Chelsea have ever had (Mourinho) and was responsible for the signing of French teenager Gäel Kakuta which resulted in a two year transfer ban from FIFA.