Liverpool, Major League Soccer

Gerrard Comments Show That He Came To MLS Just For The Money

la-galaxy-gerrard-liverpoolExtremely naive quotes from ex-Liverpool and current LA Galaxy star Steven Gerrard on the club’s website.

The former England captain arrived in LA with a lot of fanfare, but unlike another previous England captain who played for the Galaxy, Gerrard seemed to be in Major League Soccer more for the money than the challenge of winning trophies.

On the pitch Gerrard was a disappointment, looking tired and lethargic for most of the season. Part of the reason for that could be that Gerrard kept making these midweek trips back to England to commentate on Champions League games.

While David Beckham also added up the frequent flyers miles while in LA, Beckham delivered on the pitch, something Gerrard did not do.

From reading Gerrard’s comments on the LA Galaxy website this week, it seems that the Liverpool player was totally unprepared for MLS, expecting it to be a easy time in the sun where he could collect his paycheck and pine about returnng to Merseyside.

“Going on the road, playing on turf, playing at altitude, playing in humidity, those are the hurdles that I’ve had to face over the last three months that I wasn’t aware of. Every away game has a different challenge,” said Gerrard.

Did Gerrard not talk to Robbie Keane or David Beckham about what it is like to play in MLS? Travel is a huge issue here in the states, and for Gerrard not to be aware of that is inexcusable.

When Gerrard hangs up his boots next season, his MLS experience will be merely a football in what was a terrific career. But if Gerrard is not going to be all in at LA next season, then he is better retiring now rather than tarnishing his and the league’s image for another season.