La Liga

Garrido remains calm despite Villareal Poor Start

Villareal boss Juan Carlos Garrido is refusing to panic at this early stage of the season despite a bad start to both their La Liga and Champions League campaigns.

Villareal were thrashed 5-0 by Barcelona in their opening La Liga encounter and then lost 2-0 at home to Bayern Munich in midweek in their first Champions League tie. A result that immediately leaves them bottom of an incredibly difficult Group A.

Following a draw in their second league clash with Sevilla, they now have the chance to get their season going on Saturday as they face Granada who have lost both of their opening two fixtures.

Garrido is sure his side have the talent to turn their poor start around, especially, as he points out, given the calibre of side they have had to face.

“The season has just begun and the start has been very tough. The team are very eager to show that we can do things much better and we are all working hard to achieve that. We are going to show that we are still a great team,” he said. “We have our pride. When you lose you must bring out the best of yourselves and I’m sure that in the next few games we are going to see the best Villarreal. This team is capable of playing very good football.”