Premier League

Fire Sale At Villa Park

Villa-ParkNewspaper reports from the UK say that Aston Villa owner Randy Lerner has slashed the price he is willing to accept for Villa from £200 million to £150 million. Nothing like a 25% haircut to show prospective buyers how desperate you are about selling the club. Hasn’t Lerner watched Million Dollar Listing on Bravo? Everyone knows that the price that he eventually accepts will be closer to £100 million than £150 million now.

It appears that Lerner has been actively shopping the Villans after announcing the club was for sale, but after finding no buyers in America, the Mirror is reporting that Villa has now been offered to a couple of Middle East investors in the past few days.

Lerner wants out before the new season starts in a little over 8 weeks, which has to make Villa boss Paul Lambert more than a little bit anxious as there is no way that Lerner will invest in new players this summer if he is trying to sell. The worst case scenario for the Holt End is that the club are not sold until after the summer transfer window closes, as without the new signings needed to avoid another relegation battle, that the club get off to a bad start that they never recover from.

it is a shame that a club with as rich a history as Villa, 7 League Titles, 7 FA Cup wins and 1 European Cup have become a shadow of their former glory under Lerner’s stewardship.