Chelsea, Inter Milan

Falcao To Inter: Someone’s Having A Laugh

Falcao-scoresThe Daily Mail in England is running a story that Inter Milan are interested in taking misfiring striker Radamel Falcao off Chelsea’s hands – but only at the right price.

The Monaco striker is a shadow of the player that terrorized teams across Europe. His knee injury in 2014 robbed him off a yard of pace and he has been a major disappointment at both Manchester United and Chelsea.

The story goes that Inter are willing to gamble on Falcao regaining his form and fitness, provided he is willing to take a further cut to his £145,000-per-week wages.

Falcao already took a 50% cut in wages to join Chelsea and he would need to slash them by another 50-75% before Inter could afford him.

And even if he did, I cannot see Falcao breaking into the Inter line-up, and that sums up how far the Colombian striker has fallen in the last 18 months as Inter have only scored 11 times in 11 games in the league this season.

The Nerazzurri need help up front but Falcao is not the answer.