Liverpool, Premier League

Brendan Rodgers Is Better Than Mourinho and Ancelotti

High praise from Glen Driscoll, who is head of performance at Liverpool, who says that Brendan Rodgers is a better manager than Jose Mourinho and Carlo Ancelotti. And Driscoll knows a little about Mourinho and Ancelotti having worked with them both at Chelsea.

Driscoll says that Rodgers uses the best of the pair while adding his own extra special ingredients to his management style.

‘All the managers I’ve worked with have their own unique traits – but Brendan has the best mix,’ he told the club website.

‘I still have strong relationships with many of the managers I’ve worked with, and so I mean no disrespect, but Brendan definitely has a unique combination of all the best traits I’ve seen.

‘Carlo Ancelotti was very humble and showed a lot of humility – I see that in Brendan. I also see the man-management style of Guus Hiddink and obviously the methodologies of Jose [Mourinho] in him. For me, I feel very privileged and lucky to now be working back with him.’

Reflecting on his time on Merseyside, the fourth occasion he has teamed up with Rodgers, Driscoll explained his pride at being part of a project that could take Liverpool ‘above and beyond’.

‘I’d sat in the opposition dugout here and been involved in some pretty amazing Champions League games at Anfield.

‘To finally be sitting in the Liverpool dugout makes me very proud. It was obvious when I came here there is an aura at Liverpool and there is class here.

‘The passion around the city and football club is something different. With no disrespect to Chelsea as I had a great time there, enjoyed some amazing moments and still have colleagues and friends there, it just feels the set-up here could really take Liverpool above and beyond.

‘It is a privilege to be here and my only focus is to try and make sure we achieve success. I’m 100 per cent positive we will do that.’

High praise indeed from Driscoll, but I think that Rodgers needs to actually win some trophies before we start comparing him to Jose Mourinho and Carlo Ancelotti, who have two of the best CV’s in football.