Major League Soccer, Premier League

Arsene Wenger Says No To Thierry Henry Loan Deal

henryReally surprising to hear from Arsene Wenger today that the Gunners will not be signing the New York Red Bulls Thierry Henry on a short-deal loan this month.

It was only three or four weeks ago that we heard rumours that Arsenal were interested in signing Henry not to a short-term loan, but to a season long loan, But Arsene Wenger dashed those thoughts today saying:

“I think he goes away somewhere,” the Arsenal boss said after the 1-1 draw at Southampton.

“He is not ready, he has just come back from holiday anyway. At the moment we are not on that case.”

Asked for clarification, he said: “No (it is not happening)”.

With Gervinho going away to the Africa Cup of Nations later this month, Arsenal are painfully short of strikers. If Wenger is turning down the chance to sign Henry, does that mean that he has lined up a deal for a Atletico Madrid striker Adrian Lopez?