Serie A

Allegri: “Berlusconi has confidence in me but we need points now”

Middle of the table, unhappy fans and growing rumours about the imminent arrival of Pep Guardiola next season on the AC Milan bench. Massimiliano Allegri took the AC Milan problem in hand on Milan Channel when he told the fans that all that was missing was results.

“A lot of rumours have been flying around over the past few months regarding my connections with Berlusconi, Galliani and the team” said Allegri “Without considering other problems. I speak with the president frequently and we even had a chat recently. Since I started coaching AC Milan we haven’t had any kind of row. He’s well aware of what’s going on at the moment and he isn’t happy about it, but he told me not to worry and to keep the team’s confidence as high as I could.”

When the teams get back from the international break this week, Milan face a tough match against Lazio, but Allegri doesn’t think he has his back against the wall: ”

When you have the trust of the club behind you, you can relax,” said the coach. These guys are improving constantly as a team. Naturally I cannot comment; I can just smile and let people draw their own conclusions. I’m used to living here by now.”.

“Our main aim at the moment is to get back into contention; it doesn’t matter whether we are first, second or fifth. No one expected us to be where we are at this stage of the season.”

The Rossoneri coach pointed out a few problems his team were having:

“We gave away a few silly goals and had a bit of bad luck; we really need to improve our defence in dead-ball situations, apart from that we need to show we can be dangerous in the opposition box. We set up a lot of goals but weren’t able to capitalise on them.” Why? It’s a new team: “We met on 9 July with a completely new group of players in the knowledge that we would have problems to deal with, but not to this extent. However, things aren’t as bad as they seem. We are on the way back. Problems can’t be solved in a day and one match alone can’t ruin our championship hopes. We need to win games one after another and that’s why winning the derby would have done us good.”