Man Utd.

Why Is Fergie Still Going On About Rooney?

Wayne RooneyAfter a long-drawn out summer when it appeared that Wayne Rooney was leaving Old Trafford, we entered a period of calm when the transfer window closes. A fit Rooney has been United’s best player this season and David Moyes has continually praised his attitude and performances.

So why is Sir Alex Ferguson talking about Rooney’s transfer request on his book tour? All he is doing is provoking the Rooney camp and making David Moyes’s job more difficult.

In a much-publicised interview with American TV station PBS, Ferguson has this to say about Rooney:

“He asked away,” Ferguson admitted. “He came in the day after we had won the title. Nothing happened that I would get upset about.

“Wayne is unfortunate in the sense that he is England’s big white hope. So therefore, the media is always centred around Wayne.

“And he has people who advise him. And I think that’s where all that’s coming from.

“I never fell out with him at any time, you know. Sometimes I would discipline him, but sometimes they all need discipline.”

Speaking of Chelsea’s links with Rooney, Ferguson added:

“When the club refused to sell him, he realised his only job was Manchester United. It’s brought back his focus.

“It’s brought back his work ethic and his purpose, and, you know, he’s playing well again.

“So maybe that was a good turning point for the boy. Did it end badly? No, I don’t think so.

“I think if Wayne walked in here today, he would shake my hand.”

Why go down that route Fergie? Your book will be a best seller. You know that the Rooney camp denies he asked for a transfer. Why do this to Moyes?