Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd., Premier League

Wenger Thinks Big Four Era Is Over

bpl-titleArsene Wenger believes that the massive new TV deal that will take effect next season will mean an end to the traditional big four in the Premier League.

Leicester were the first team outside the big four since Blackburn in 1994/95 to have won the Premier League and the Arsenal boss argues that Leicester’s unlikely title win could be repeated as every Premier League side will have the money to invest in signing and keeping their own stars.

“The big question mark is what happened with Leicester can happen again because first of all every English team can buy players,” he said.

“The difference out on the market between those who really make a difference and are just a fraction better, where players go to lower teams with a bit more spirit and a bit more fighting, bit more support and a bit less expectation.

“And maybe a team that nobody expects now will come next season and surprise everyone. All the English clubs have the money to buy now.

“You’ve got West Ham moving into a new stadium with more potential with the finances that brings. Tottenham are creating a new stadium as well.

“So in a few years the potential in England will be much more shared than everywhere else and you can get more surprises.”

Asked if the days of the traditional top-four are at an end, the 66-year-old replied: “Exactly. This might be questioned in the future How many teams can win the title next season then?

“I don’t know. It’s difficult to say. Let’s go to the start of this season, predictions were: One Chelsea will win it again. Number two, Man City. OK.

“In the end any pundit who would have predicted Leicester would have lost their job. And that is what can happen again.

“Clubs down our league can buy the best players in France, Spain and in Italy. So they have the potential to build a big team.”

The Premier League next season could be the most competitive version ever. Consider the traditional top four of Arsenal, Chelsea, Man City, Man United and add in Liverpool, Leicester, Spurs and West Ham and the Premier League might have a depth that surpasses even La Liga.