Man Utd.

Van Gaal To Finally Play Rooney As A Central Striker

wayne-rooney-mufcIn a very tongue in cheek manner, Manchester United manager Louis van Gaal has indicated that Wayne Rooney will playy as a central striker next season, instead of alternating between midfield and attack as he did last season.

“I have listened to you,” Van Gaal told journalists. “You have more knowledge than I. Now Rooney is there.”

Rooney last played as a main striker in the 2011-12 season, when he scored 34 goals, his equal-highest personal haul.

“I hope to score 20 or more goals again,” said Rooney.

“If I’m playing as a striker, then I will be disappointed if I can’t do that again.

“I’ve played different roles over the years for United but you only have to look when I play for England as a striker I score goals.”

Wayne Rooney goals in last five seasons

Season Appearances Goals
2014-15 37 14
2013-14 40 19
2012-13 37 16
2011-12 43 34
2010-11 40 16

People forget that Rooney is still only 29, and if he can stay fit next season, then United fans have to be hoping that Rooney gets close to the 34 goals he in 2011-12.