Arsenal, Premier League

Touring Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium

In London for the Swansea match tomorrow and decided to take my daughter on a tour of the Emirates Stadium today.

Arsenal offers two tours. A general tour and one led by an Arsenal legend. Today that legend was Charlie George and I could not turn down the opportunity to meet the person who scored this goal to win the double for Arsenal.

So we get our tickets and walk up the steps to the stadium, seeing this as we reach the top of the stairs:

We meet Charlie and head off up to the Directors Box. If you have never been to the Emirates it is one of the most beautiful stadiums I have ever seen. This is the view from those seats.

From their we went down to the area just outside the dressing rooms, where the players from both teams arrive at the stadium. When they walk through the glass doors this is the first thing they see:

We then walked around the sign and down a corridor into the Arsenal dressing room where players jerseys were hanging up.

Here I am sitting in front of Jack Wilshere’s and Robin van Persie’s jerseys.

From the Arsenal dressing room we walked the 25 meters down the tunnel to the pitch. I got goosebumps walking down this tunnel, and I cannot imagine what it must feel like for the players, knowing that their is a 60,000 fans waiting for you.

Obviously we were not allowed to go on the pitch, but we did get to sit in the Arsenal area where Arsene Wenger and the subs sit. Here I am sitting in Arsene’s seat wondering what the Gunners line-up will be against Swansea.

And finally here I am standing by the pitch with Arsenal legend Charlie George

All in all a great experience and I highly recommend the tour to any Arsenal fan.