Premier League

Time For Terry To Give Up England Captaincy

John TerryA London judge today lifted a gag order that had prevented the British press from publishing reports about Terry’s affair with England, and former Chelsea player, Wayne Bridges girlfriend.

Yes you read that write. England’s “Dad of the Year” was sleeping with his teammates girlfriend.

Terry has tried to use the human rights laws to obtain a gagging order against the press, claiming his right to a ‘private and family life’. But the judge who threw out the order said he thought Terry was more concerned about the threat to his lucrative sponsorship deals.

The judge said:

“Terry had made no mention of personal distress and appeared to be ‘a very robust personality.’ He said the secrecy claim was more likely to be about ‘protection of reputation’ and was ‘essentially a business matter”.

Terry’s reputation has been steadily going down hill over the last twelve months.

In November Terry was severely embarrassed when an email sent by firm representing Terry, that appeared to be an attempt to use Terry’s position as England’s World Cup captain for financial gain.

Under the headline ‘Are you looking for a leader to represent your brand?’ it stated:

“The FIFA 2010 World Cup Finals in South Africa is fast approaching! With this in mind Riviera Entertainment is identifying suitable commercial endorsement opportunities for its client John Terry for the period building up to the finals and beyond. John Terry is available to create effective brand awareness and endorse products and services globally.”

As if that wasdn’t bad enough, last month Terry was secretly filmed giving an unauthorized tour around Chelsea’s training facilities to journalists posing as businessmen, in return for £10,000 cash. The club must not know, the ‘businessmen’ were warned. Other Terry tours could be organized for a similar fee.

Fabio Capello has a reputation as being a tough manager, and now he has to show it. Terry needs to be stripped of the England captaincy before the Egypt game in early March.

One thought on “Time For Terry To Give Up England Captaincy

  1. Yorgs

    Guarin should stop talking and focus on his football. Misplaced passes and shooting balls into row Z would be a good start.

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