Premier League

Tevez puts in transfer request

Carlos TevezCarlos Tevez shocked Manchester City yesterday by putting in a written transfer request saying that he wants to return to Buenos Aires to play for Boca Juniors and be with wife Vanesa and daughters Florencia and Katia.

It is no secret that Tevez misses his family and he has spoken out several times recently about his dream of returning to Argentina to be with them. Tevez is also not a big fan of Roberto Mancini of his management style, which adds to his “misery”.

Man City swiftly rejected Tevez’s transfer request and stuck the boot into Tevez’a agent Kia Joorabchian saying in a club statement:

It is with disappointment that we confirm to our supporters that Carlos Tevez has submitted a written transfer request. The Club can also confirm that the request has been rejected.

“The Club remains disappointed by this situation and particularly with the actions of Carlos’ representative.

Roberto Mancini and all at the Club have shown, and will continue to show, sensitivity to Carlos’ personal circumstances including the issue of his family being based overseas. Indeed following his suspension as a result of the game against Bolton, Carlos requested, and was given, special dispensation by the Manager to take leave overseas.

The written transfer request is in stark contrast to Carlos’ stated position in both public and club contexts. Significantly, over recent months, the Club has also received numerous requests from Carlos’ representative to renegotiate and improve his playing contract as well as more recently a request to extend that contract by another year.

However, in line with the Club’s policy of not negotiating playing contracts mid-season this has not been granted. Carlos’ current five-year contract has three-and-a-half years to run and he is the highest paid player at the Manchester City Football Club.”

After coming over from Manchester United, Tevez has been nothing short of brilliant for City. If he really does want to go back to Argentina to be with his wife and daughter, and turn his back on the riches of the Premier League, I believe that most Man City fans would respect that.

But if this is simply a ploy to get more money or angle a big money move to Real Madrid the Tevez will have irreparably damaged his relationship with City fans everywhere.