Chelsea, Premier League

So What Did Chelsea Offer John Terry?

john-terry-league-cupLots of headlines this week about Chelsea’s last-gap attempt to bring captain John Terry back for one final season. Bit is seems that the offer was not a straight one-year contract extension and the Blues try to PR a situation that they have let get out of hand.

According to reports Terry and his agent were offered a one-year deal a meeting with director Marina Granovskaia and chairman Bruce Buck at Stamford Bridge on Wednesday. The contract is for less money than Terry is currently making, but includes the promise of appearance-related add-ons.

It is understood that Terry also has an offer from China worth £20m over two years, which means he has to choose between the Far East and the club he has called home since he was 14.

With Terry considering his options, Chelsea decided to go public with the news on Friday in an attempt to placate angry fans ahead of Sundays final game of the season, against Leicester City.

But Terry took to social media on Friday to give his perspective on the contract offer saying:

Thanks to everyone for the kind wishes. The contract extension the club has offered me is a different role and I hope everyone will understand I want to take the time to consider it carefully before making a decision.

During his Friday press conference interim manager Guus Hiddink had this to say about the future of John Terry at Stanford Bridge:

“I think once the two are talking to each other regarding the near future is a good signal for everyone, in the stands as well.”

Hiddink also suggested he favoured Chelsea attempting to keep Terry by adding: “This man is rather fit. Talk to him and he says he was never the fastest, but he was always arriving in time. It’s not about age. He is mentally strong and also good for the younger people, let’s say the academy boys. He’s very good to inspire them.”

Asked if it is important to keep one-club players in either a playing or coaching capacity, Hiddink said:

“Clubs must be very aware of using the strengths of those guys. When they have a beautiful career and are attached to one club –

Manchester United have had some very good players, legends – they should switch off for a year or half a year and then come back.

“They must switch off from their (playing) career before going down another path. When a club has an opportunity to integrate them in their culture, I’m in favour of that.

“The condition is the players, when they know they have said farewell to their playing days, must make a transition in their lives, too.

“But most of the legends are ‘simple’ people. They know the game, they have felt the success and failure of the game, and if they can transfer that to the young boys, it’s perfect.”

It’s now a political game between Terry and the club he has made over 700 appearances for. Neither wants to lose face in this negotiation. Will Chelsea let another legend leave the club for the third consecutive year? Or will Terry spurn the only club he has know by a massive deal from China?

What do you think John Terry should do? Stay one more year or is it time to move on?