Man Utd., Real Madrid

Sneijder Puts Boot Into Ronaldo

Real Madrid star Wesley Sneijder is not impressed by his teams pursuit of Manchester United star Cristiano Ronaldo. Real are the current La Liga champions and Sneijder doesn’t think that they need Ronaldo.

“To me this Madrid side doesn’t need to make signings. We’ve been very solid and the team has improved. This squad is quite strong and is going to be even better next year.”

And Sneijder claims Real already have a player of similar stature to Ronaldo within their ranks.

“I want Robinho stay at Madrid because I think he’s almost as good as Cristiano Ronaldo. People criticise Robinho for not having shone in big games but Cristiano did the same when I watched Manchester United’s important games. It’s not a criticism. I’m just trying to explain that a player can’t be at his best all the time.”

Now that one hurt. Ronaldo’s disappearance in big games and tournaments in the main criticism against him being the best player in the world and Sneijder knew exactly what Ronaldo’s weak spot is.

The Ronaldo transfer story is like a soap opera with new turns every couple of days. Six weeks until the transfer window closes. Will the deal be done by then?