La Liga

Ronaldo possibly out for three more months

Cristiano Ronaldo could be looking at missing anther three months of action, if he is forced to have another operation on his injured ankle. Real Madrid have announced that the Portuguese winger has not showed enough improvement to join the first team squad in training and that he has travelled to Amsterdam to see the Dutch ankle specialist Niek van Dijk. “The injury is showing no sign of improving,” Real Madrid said in a statement.

Surgery would obviously mean that Ronaldo will miss Portugal’s World Cup qualifying play-off games against Bosnia-Herzegovina on 14 and 18 November.

The injured ankle is that same one that Ronaldo hurt while playing for Manchester United and required surgery in 2008. Without Ronaldo, Real Madrid have really struggled losing to lowly Alcorcón in the Spanish Cup and Milan at home in the Champions League. With Ronaldo in the line-up, Madrid are unbeaten!