La Liga

Real Madrid's Benzema Involved In Another Sex Scandal

Real Madrid striker Karin Benzema has been linked once again to with a sex scandal involving a minor according to the British newspaper The Dun.

According to paper, Benzema is being investigated over pictures sent to a 14-year-old girl, and that the police have found that the phone used to send the pictures belongs to Real Madrid.

The girl’s family notified police after she had a Facebook conversation with a “Karim Benze”, which was followed by a string of provocative messages and a picture of a man’s genitals.

Last year Benzema was accused of having sex with an under-aged Paris prostitute, a charge the striker denied.

He claims that the images was from someone who stoke his identity online, but French police sources told the Sun that the mobile linked to “Karim Benze’s” Facebook account was one contracted by Real Madrid for use by staff, including directors and players.