Real Madrid

Pressure Building On Zidane In Madrid

zidane1After four consecutive draws in all competitions, Real Madrid manager Zinedine Zidane is facing the first crisis of his short managerial career.

Zidane is under no illusions that if he does not get the problems at Real Madrid sorted out that he will be out of a job, despite leading Real to their 11th European Cup title last summer.

“I’m not afraid of being fired,” Zidane told RMC. “Anyway, it will happen.

“I thoroughly enjoy what I do. I have an incredible opportunity, I am happy wth what I do. I enjoy my job, which is not always easy.

“But I want to learn and advance. Working with these great players I learn every day. I am dedicated to what I do on the field. What is interesting to me is the week [of training], more than the matches.

“I have an exceptional group, whether we win or we lose they are good people.”

Zidane believes Madrid’s current problems are more psychological than physical, and is confident he will be able to find a solution to get them back to winning ways.

“What’s important it’s to find solutions and I’ll find the solution. There is nothing catastrophic, but it’s not trivial.

“I don’t think it’s a physical problem. It’s the first minutes of the games that are penalising us. The content of these games in LaLiga were very bad, especially against Villarreal.

“It’s psychological. We are trying to find the problem.”