Man Utd.

Mourinho Learns What It’s Like To Manage A Big Club

mourinho-mufc1He has won trophies all over Europe, but on a warm day in Wigan Jose Mourinho found it what it is like to manage a big club as over 7,000 Manchester United fans showed up to watch the Special One’s first match in charge.

Mourinho was blown away by the United fans saying afterwards:

“Best of all was something that I never had before – a friendly match which I could call a training session against opposition and yet there were so many supporters who gave permanent support to the team.

There was the manifestation of happiness [from them] about a few things they could see in the team which was absolutely fantastic.

As I said in my [arrival] press conference, I will try to give them everything and I’m sure they will continue to give amazing support to the team.”

Mourinho saw his side beat Wigan 2-0 as two graduates of the United academy, Will Keane and Andreas Pereira scored the goals.

Many United fans came to see summer signings Henrikh Mkhitaryan and Eric Bailly make their United debut’s while England left back Luke Shaw made his first appearance in 10 months after a broken leg.

Mkhitaryan and Bailly were both impressive, especially Mkhitaryan who played in the No.10 role and offered a creativity that United captain Wayne Rooney does not.

After the match, the new United boss commented on the performances of his two new signings:

“[Henrikh] Mkhitaryan is a top-class player and currently at the best stage for a footballer – 27 years old.

He is magnificent in the way he thinks about football, he thinks very quickly and it’s so sweet how he touches the ball.

He can play in different positions behind the striker.

He doesn’t have the sharpness yet but his performance was very positive.

With Eric [Bailly], the way the fans showed how much they liked his performance when I substituted him is enough.

Of course he is a very young boy coming from a very different environment, but you could see what he is at this moment.

I will give him everything to try to make him better and better, like I did with other central defenders I’ve had in my hands.

He has showed the potential we saw when we decided to buy him.”