Premier League

Micah Richards Ruled Out For Four Months

Manchester City defender Micah Richards is expected to be our for four months after undergoing an operation on Monday to repair a torn meniscus.

Richards, who picked up the injury against Swansea on Saturday is expected to miss at least 20 matches, and is a big loss for a Man City side that has struggled defensively all season.

“I can’t do anything at all for the next four to six weeks and I am probably looking at 12-16 weeks before I am back in action,” Richards said.

“I have a brace on it and I am using crutches. The positive thing is that the injury has been repaired so the knee will be as good as new.

“I suppose it could have been even worse and not repairable which would have meant removing the meniscus; so I am being positive.”

It has been a tough season for Richards, who has just returned from the ankle injury he suffered at the Olympics. Now he faces another lengthly spell on the sidelines.

“Injuries are all part and parcel of the job, but this coming on top of the other one, I do feel a little hard done to,” he said. “I knew straight away in the game that it was quite a bad injury.

“The knee locked and I couldn’t straighten it. I suppose it could have been even worse and not repairable which would have meant removing the meniscus, so I’m being positive.

“I will be working as hard as I can to get back as quickly as I can and I thank all the fans who have sent their best wishes.”