Man City, Premier League

Mancini Not A Fan Of Financial Fair Play

manciniManchester City boss Roberto Mancini is not a fan of the Uefa’s Financial Fair Play Rules or the Premier League recent rules to curb spending. Mancini thinks that team owners should be able to spend whatever they want, whenever they want.

“If I am a rich man I want to spend all my money for my team; it’s my job. It’s only my personal opinion but I don’t agree with the idea in general or these rules” said Mancini.

“We need to buy good players. If you want to buy good players you have to spend money. This isn’t only for us, it’s the same for every team but we will work hard and find a different way.”

Because City’s wage bill is over the Premier League threshold of £52m a year, they will technically be limited to a £4m salary increase in 2013-14.

“It is clear with this rule it is more difficult than 10 years ago,” acknowledged Mancini. “In football, if you work well, you can find good players without maybe spending £30m on one individual, but it is also true that every time Manchester City move for a player, if his value is £10m, Manchester City will be asked for £30m. There should be other rules for this because sometimes you want to buy a player for £8m but it’s £25m-£30m for Manchester City. This is the problem.”