Man Utd., Premier League

Manchester United have A €38 million Bid For Lucas Moura Rejected

Reports in Brazil say that Manchester United have had a €38 million bid for Sao Paulo starlet Lucas Moura rejected.

This is the second bid that United have had turned down for Lucas, as they earlier had made a €32 million bid for the attacking midfielder.

Globo Esporte quote a source close to the club hierarchy as saying:

“Football is about winning titles and there is nothing more important. He will be an important player in any titles this club may win.”

Lucas, who is in the process of negotiating a new deal at the Brazilian side, is known to be interested in a move to Europe, with his current salary less than €100,000 a month.

The 19-year-old Lucas is considered one of the best prospects in the Brazilian game and has been linked with a move to Europe. He will arrive in England next week as part of Brazil’s Under-23 squad for the Olympic Games, where he is joined by United full-back Rafael.

I have to say that I take this report with more than a grain of salt as I don’t think United have €33m to spend on one player. Unless that is that the Glazers feel confident that the IPO in America is going to go through soon, which could potentially wipe out the clubs debt. If that is the case, then United can afford Lucas.

The other question though is whether Lucas is the solution to United’s midfield struggles? If you are spending that kind of money on a player, would you now want someone who has proven that they can play at the top level in Europe?