Man Utd., Real Madrid

Man United Want Gareth Bale – But Only On Loan

Gareth Bale

In a sign how far badly Gareth Bale’s star has fallen in the last 12 months, Manchester United are reportedly interested in signing the Welsh star, but only on loan with an option to buy as they are not convinced that Bale can stay fit for a whole season.

Real Madrid manager Zinedine Zidane has made it clear that he does not want not Bale at the Santiago Bernabeu any more. And in case Bale miss understood that conversation, the arrival of Eden Hazard makes it crystal clear. Bale needs to leave Madrid this summer.

The problem for Real Madrid it that nobody is willing to meet their price tag of £75million for Bale, nor meet his €25m a year wages (€15m net).

According to the reports in England, would be interested in signing the 29-year-old on a season-long loan with an option to either extend the loan by another 12 months. or make the deal permanent.

With a lack of suiters, this arrangement could work for Real as it would allow them to knock £50m off their wage bill over the next two seasons.

Bale however is said to be reluctant to leave the warmth, and gold courses, of Spain, especially for a team that is playing Europa League football next season.

Bale has threatened to refuse to leave Real Madrid and just get paid, but with Wales hoping to reach the 2020 Euro’s they will need Bale to be in top form and playing every week.

That rules out staying at Madrid. So will he be playing at Old Trafford next season and if he does, is that a good move for United.