Man Utd.

Louis van Gaal Confident About 2015

lvg-newLouis van Gaal believes Manchester United fans can look forward to 2015 with optimism after being encouraged by the teams improved play over the last nine games.

Van Gaal says United fans had a right to be disappointed with just 13 points from the first 10 games but, after taking 23 from the last nine, he is satisfied with United’s mid-season total of 36.

“We can see 2015 with open eyes. We shall continue with our process and maybe showing attractive matches and hopefully also with a fantastic result at the end of the season and a good location in the table.

“We are still in a process. Everyone can see we are improving every week in spite of a lot of injuries and that is because of the philosophy.

“I think the players understand the philosophy but we can improve more when we have all the players available. The fans were fantastic because [when] we had 10 matches and 13 points — that is not good, more weak than good. In spite of that, the fans have supported us always and in the right way so I want to thank the fans.

“They had always the belief in the players and their manager and I think the main reason that they have supported us is because of the fighting spirit of my team. We were not always ahead in matches but they have fought until the end and a lot of times with a good success.

“So I think we can be satisfied about the points [total] now, 36 points. We are in our goal, I think, and we are improving every week.”

How do United fans feel about next season and next year? A reason to be optimistic?