Arsenal, Liverpool

Liverpool Owner John Henry Fires Back At Arsenal Via Twitter

Liverpool owner John Henry has taken to Twitter to tell Arsenal what he thought of their £40,000,001 bid for Luis Suarez.


Succinct and too the point. Liverpool want a lot more than £40m for their best player. As you can tell from Henry’s tweet, Liverpool are not amused that Arsenal’s latest offer was £1 more than the clause in Suarez’s contract. They feel that Arsenal are unsettling Suarez and must be fuming at the whispers that Suarez has already agreed to a five-year deal worth up to £150,000 a week with the Gunners.

So now what? Stories are coming out of Australia, where Suarez made his preseason debut today that he has told Liverpool that he wants to move to the Emirates. But so far, Suarez has not turned in a transfer request as that would cause him to lose the balance on his contract at Liverpool should he leave.

As for Arsenal, they cannot be happy with the taunting on Twitter by the Liverpool owner. But they have to know that the way the transfer market is for top strikers this summer, that it will probably take close to £50m to pry Suarez away from Liverpool. Is Arsene Wenger willing to go that high?