
Kronke Does Nor Care That Arsenal Fan Groups Are Planning Protests

afc-time-for-changeUnhappy Arsenal fans are planning to protest during Saturday evening’s game home game against Norwich City by raising banners in the 12th and 78th minute as a nod to the 12 years that have passed since their most recent league title.

Supporters groups Black Scarf Movement, REDaction and the Arsenal Supporters Trust are calling on fans to raise placards reading “Time for change. Arsenal is stale – fresh approach needed”.

The protest will not focus solely on increasing calls for Arsène Wenger to be removed as manager. Supporters are also calling on the club’s majority owner, Stan Kroenke, who REDaction describe as

“an absentee owner who takes money from the club”, to take action.

They added: “We have a manager who won’t use the resources available to him, to strengthen a squad which everybody can see needs investment. Throw in some of the highest ticket prices in world football. And, all of the groundhog seasons, where it’s clear that the fans’ ambitions are not matched by those in charge.

“Fans are fighting each other over what exactly is wrong and who is to blame – but it’s clear that we are in a rut, and that something needs to change.”

In a separate statement Black Scarf Movement said:

“Whether it’s the manager, whether Stan Kroenke has to go and whether the board needs shaking up and reminding that we’re a football club, change is needed at Arsenal, A fresh approach to bring some excitement back to this great club of ours.”

While they described the Norwich fixture as a “pretty meaningless end of season kickabout”, Arsenal have not yet guaranteed a top four finish with three games to play. They have won only four of their last 13 games in all competitions and Manchester United are five points behind with a game in hand. Arsenal must also face Manchester City, who are only ahead on goal difference.

I understand the Arsenal fans frustrations, but they keep forgetting one thing. Stan Kronke only cares about trophies in that they can lead to increased revenue. To him, it is all about the bottom line. He just moved his NFL team from St. Louis to Los Angeles so he could make tens, if not, hundreds of millions of pounds in additional revenue.

The only way Kronke would sit up and notice that fans were upset at the Emirates would be if their was a massive decrease in season ticket renewals. And that is not going to happen.