
Klopp Baffled As To Why Players Attracted To China

Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp cannot understand why footballers choose to depart for China. Oscar became the latest star to make a mega-money switch after signing a £400,000-a-week deal with Shanghai.

But Klopp is left baffled by that, saying:

‘I have no idea why people make these decisions.

‘For me it’s absolutely no option to go to China. But it’s individuals making decisions. I’m not sure you can say it’s a danger but it’s another opportunity.

‘I’m sure Oscar’s family are happy about this decision! No money worries any more.’

It is a culture shock for the Premier League, who for the first time have found themselves blown out of the monetary water by a rival league with seemingly no limit or restrictions on what they can pay for players.

‘A few clubs in the rest of Europe think the same about England!’ Klopp added.

‘It’s a free world and we can make our decision.

‘In this moment it’s not a league that you actually want to play and the only way to bring them there is the money. In the big European leagues you can earn the money.’

Klopp also admitted he would be surprised if Philippe Coutinho made his comeback against Manchester City next month.

The Brazilian had identified that titanic clash as a realistic target but Klopp was pragmatic about that eventuality.

‘Everyone is dreaming of City. It was clear that this was really unlikely but that’s his dream. We’ll have to see,’ he said.