Chelsea, Premier League

Is John Terry Heading To Galatasaray?

Australian Turkish DelightA year ago, Chelsea legend Frank Lampard was in the last year of his contract at Chelsea and speculation was rampant about whether Chelsea would sign him to a new deal. Eventually Lamps and Chelsea agreed on a one-year deal that will keep the club at Stamford Bridge until the end of the current season.

Fast forward twelve months and Chelsea captain John Terry is in the same boat as Lampard, except that there does not seem to be the public outcry and demand for Chelsea to sign Terry to a one-year deal as their was for Lampard.

Terry is one of the Premier League’s highest paid stars, earning a reported £8m a year and any new Chelsea deal will come with a sizeable reduction in wages, something that Terry might not be amicable too.

Terry’s wages are so high, because back in 2009, Mr. Chelsea can come to signing for Manchester City. Now, former Man City manager Roberto Mancini, who is now at Turkish giants Galatasaray, is prepared to make Terry an offer that Chelsea cannot match.

Reports out of Turkey suggest that Galatasaray are willing to pay the 32-year-old defender worth £3.2m a year after tax, for two years, with the option of a third. With bonuses and incentives, Terry could make as much in Turkey as he makes at Chelsea.

Besides Mancini, Galatasaray have also signed big names like Didier Drogba and Wesley Sneijder in an attempt to become a European power.

Terry has always prided himself on being Chelsea through and has been at Chelsea since he was 14 years-old. In the past he has said that be wants to manager Chelsea one day. But there is no way that Chelsea offer him a multi-year contract and certainly not at the money that Gala is offering.

So what will JT pick. Loyalty or money? My bet is on Terry eating Turkish delights next season.