Chelsea, Inter Milan

Is Chelsea’s Oscar Heading To Inter Milan?

OscarReports out of Italy suggest that new Chelsea boss Antonio Conte is not happy with the effort and work rate of Oscar and that the Premier League side are open to listening to offer for the 24-year-old Brazilian internationa.

When quizzed about Oscar’s future at the club, Conte replied coyly:

“All 29 players are Chelsea’s players at the moment. After this period I speak with my club. I agree after this tour to see all the players and then to take a decision.

“When we finish this period I will take the right decision for the player and for the club. There are players who will stay and others will go. This is football. It is important to be clear with all.”

According to reports, Conte was far from happy with the player’s work-rate in their 3-2 friendly loss to Real Madrid over the weekend and has let his directors know that Oscar is not considered an essential part of his plans.

Despite having two slightly under-par seasons in a row at Stamford Bridge, Oscar is still a player with a big upside, and fits the profile of the type of player than Inter’s new Chinese owners Suning are interested in buying.

The €35 million valuation that Chelsea have put on Oscar is out of Inter’s price range, not to mention the Financial Fair Play restrictions the club are under.

However that sort of transfer fee is well within the range of Suning’s Chinese club Jiangsu Suning. If this deal were to go through it would Jiangsu Suning who bought Oscar not Inter, and then the Chinese club would loan the Brazilian international to the Italian club!

What do you think Chelsea fans. is it time to get Oscar go? And Inter fans. Would Oscar be a good signing?