News, Premier League

Garry Cook believes Manchester City will rule the world

Is their a more disliked executive in world football than Manchester City chief-executive Garry Cook?

Cook was heavily criticized for the way that he handled the firing of Mark Hughes’ last month and he drew ridicule when he accused AC Milan of “bottling it” in the wake of his failed attempt to sign Kaka.

Well Cook was in New York last week speaking in front of a group of Man City supporters and as usual he had some interesting things to say including:

“This football club is, without doubt, going to be the biggest and best football club in the world. I will make no excuses for saying it, as I truly believe it — with the resources and capabilities we have.”

Can someone tell Cook to shut up. He is embarrassing himself. As a marketing executive at Nike, I would not expect that Cook would know much about history of world football. As chief executive of a Premier League team, his lack of knowledge is an embarrassment.

Before you set out on world domination Garry, how about you become the biggest team in Manchester? Winning a Carling Cup semi-final does not equal 3 European Cups and 11 Premier League titles. When you have won this many trophies then we can talk Garry about being the biggest team in Manchester.

Oh, and also Garry, your £87m in annual revenue will buy a player at Real Madrid. When you get your annual revenue above £200m then we can start to talk about you being a big club, when compared to the other giants in the game.