Man City

FIFA Bottles It Over Man City Transfer Ban

Manchester City Ethiad Stadium

Most neutral observers expected FIFA to hand Manchester City a two window transfer ban for breaches relating to the international transfer and registration of players under the age of 18. That is what Barcelona, Atletico Madrid and Chelsea all received.

But when you are dealing with state run teams the rules are different and Manchester City have instead been hit with a £315,000 fine and no transfer ban.

City was found to have breached, amongst others, article 19 of the FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players.

A Fifa statement read:

“The Fifa Disciplinary Committee has sanctioned English club Manchester City FC for breaches relating to the international transfer and registration of players under the age of 18.

“Manchester City FC was found to have breached, amongst others, article 19 of the Fifa Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players.

“The Disciplinary Committee took into account the fact that Manchester City FC accepted its responsibility and sanctioned the club with a fine of CHF 370,000.

“The protection of minors is a key element in Fifa’s overall regulatory framework relating to the transfer of players, and the effective enforcement of these rules is paramount, as has also been confirmed on various occasions by the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

“The decision issued by the Disciplinary Committee was notified today.”

“The Disciplinary Committee took into account the fact that Manchester City FC accepted its responsibility and sanctioned the club with a fine of CHF 370,000.

“The protection of minors is a key element in Fifa’s overall regulatory framework relating to the transfer of players, and the effective enforcement of these rules is paramount, as has also been confirmed on various occasions by the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

“The decision issued by the Disciplinary Committee was notified today.”