Liverpool, Man Utd.

Fergie Worried About Klopp And Liverpool

fergie-kloppFormer Manchester United boss Sir Alex Ferguson admits that he is worried about Liverpool now that Jurgen Klopp has taken over from Brendan Rodgers.

United are still above Liverpool in the league this season, but while Louis van Gaal’s side is putting fans to sleep, Liverpool have impressed, bar defeats by Crystal Palace and Newcastle, since Klopp took charge 12 games ago.

Ferguson, who was appearing at TechCrunch Disrupt’s London Conference, said: ‘

I’m worried about him. I’m worried about him because one thing United don’t want is Liverpool to be above us. That’s for sure. He’s a fantastic personality, he’s got that great confidence.

‘Even I noticed in the game against Newcastle when they lost the second goal he went across to Steve McClaren and was smiling and congratulating him. That’s class, that.’

Ferguson engineered the end of Liverpool’s two decades of dominance in English football when he took over United in 1986. The Anfield club have tried to reach those heights once again, yet have been unable to win the title in the past 25 years.

But Ferguson has been impressed by Klopp and believes he is the man to turn things around.

‘He’s got a great personality, his big white teeth always showing he’s enjoying it,’ Ferguson added.

‘I know him quite well actually from the coaching seminars we have. I got a text from him the other day. He’s going to make a difference to that club, no doubt about it. He’s got the personality, the drive, he’s got the knowledge and great presence about him. I think things will look up there, I really do.’